Business Divorce
Our experienced team of litigators represents owners of privately held companies in disputes with business partners. When co-owners of a company can no longer work together, they need a “business divorce.” A business divorce may be necessary in several circumstances, such as when the partners are deadlocked over the direction of the company, a partner is removed, or a key partner leaves to start a competing venture. Because closely held companies often involve close friends and family members, much like a matrimonial divorce, a business divorce can be difficult and acrimonious. We help privately held companies and owners navigate this challenging situation.

We focus on maximizing your return on investment
We understand the intricacies of the law.
Limited Liability Companies are by far the most popular form of entity being formed in Colorado and in other jurisdictions because they are simple to form and provide substantial flexibility in their governance. Colorado’s Limited Liability Company Act allows members to customize the terms under which the company will function to fit their needs through an operating agreement. Yet even well-documented agreements are unlikely to prevent a fight when something goes wrong. We have extensive experience in handling these types of disputes and can guide you through the process, both outside and inside the courtroom.